Pet ID Essentials
Pet Parents know that a missing pet is nothing less than devastating. Proper identification is a crucial step to finding your pet and bringing them back home to safety. During National Pet ID Week we thought we’d gather and share some tips on how to bring your pet home quicker.

ID Tags

A collar with an ID tag is the first step to reuniting a lost pet with its family. This first step can avoid many obstacles and days spent away from home. Always be sure your pet has an updated ID tag around its neck when heading outdoors. Your pet’s tag should include its name (ie. Tucker), your name (ie. Rachael), your phone number (519 756 6620). Your address is helpful as well in the event that you cannot be reached at the number provided (ie. 539 Mohawk St). ID Tags are a simple step to ensuring your pet spends many years by your side.


Microchips are a form of identification that ensures recognition if an ID Tag is lost or not present. Collars are meant to break away in the event that your pet is in a situation where choking could occur and that’s where microchips come in to save the day. In the event that your pet is found without a collar, it can be brought to a local vet or shelter who can scan for a microchip and further access its family’s info.

Updated Info

Now we told you about microchips but it’s imperative that your pet’s microchip information is up to date. There is nothing worse than locating a chip and finding an out-of-service phone number. If you move residences or change phone numbers be sure to update your microchip info. You will need to contact the issuer of your pet’s microchip to change the details (ie. 24PetWatch). When at your vet you can ask for a scan to ensure all info is up to date.

Report Your Missing Pet

If you find your pet has gone missing, report it immediately, regardless of its identification methods. Your pet will not always show up on its own. It is extremely beneficial to contact your local shelter and file a missing pet report as soon as you notice. Social media is a great tool when it comes to searching for our furry friends as well, check for “lost pet” pages in your town and share your photos, location, and contact info.

It’s important to remember that ANY pet can get lost. We wish it didn’t happen but animals are unpredictable and it can happen to any pet owner. Be sure to take some extra time this weekend and cover these bases to keep that furry friend of yours safe and close to home!