Keep Your Furry Friends Safe this Halloween: Tips from Brant County SPCA

Halloween is an exciting time of year filled with costumes, candy, and spooky decorations. While we humans enjoy the festivities, it’s important to remember that our furry friends may find Halloween a bit bewildering or even scary.

At Brant County SPCA, we’re committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all animals, so we’ve put together a list of essential Halloween safety tips to help you and your pets have a fun and worry-free holiday.

Costume Consideration: Dressing up your pets can be adorable, but it’s crucial to ensure their comfort and safety. Choose costumes that fit properly, don’t constrict movement, and are free of small, chewable parts. Be sure to let your pet acclimate to the costume before Halloween night to prevent stress or discomfort.

Candy Caution: Halloween candy and treats are tempting, but many can be harmful to pets. Keep chocolate, xylitol (a common sugar substitute), and candies containing raisins or nuts out of reach. Store all sweets securely.

Doorway Safety: Trick-or-treating can be chaotic with frequent door openings and strangers at the door. Pets may become anxious or curious and might dart out. Prevent escape by keeping your pets in a quiet, secure room away from the front door during peak trick-or-treating hours.

Reflective Accessories: As the evenings get darker, it’s essential to make your pet visible during walks. Attach reflective or glow-in-the-dark accessories to their collar or leash. This helps drivers see your pet and keeps everyone safe.

Decorations Dangers: Halloween decorations can be fascinating for pets. Ensure candles are placed out of reach and secure wires and decorations to prevent pets from chewing on them. Decorative items like fake cobwebs and small, ingestible objects can pose choking hazards.

Noise and Stress Management: Loud noises, startling costumes, and sudden surprises can be distressing for pets. Create a calm space for them with familiar toys, blankets, and soothing music.

ID and Microchipping: Ensure your pet has proper identification, including a collar with an ID tag. Make sure your pet’s microchip information is up-to-date, providing an additional layer of protection should they escape.

Candy Wrapper Cleanup: The crinkly sound of candy wrappers can be enticing to pets. Dispose of wrappers securely to avoid choking hazards and to prevent your pet from rummaging through the trash.

Halloween is a time for fun and festivities, and with these safety tips, you can ensure it’s a safe and enjoyable experience for your furry family members as well. At Brant County SPCA, we wish you and your pets a happy, safe, and spooky Halloween!